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Home » The association between age of onset of opioid use and comorbidity among opioid dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance therapy

The association between age of onset of opioid use and comorbidity among opioid dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance therapy

Addiction Science & Clinical Practice201712:9


Opioid use disorder (OUD) affects approximately 21.9 million people worldwide. This study aims to determine the association between age of onset of opioid use and comorbid disorders, both physical and psychiatric, in patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) for OUD. Understanding this association may inform clinical practice about important prognostic factors of patients on MMT, enabling clinicians to identify high-risk patients.


Our study demonstrates that the younger one begins to use opioids, the greater their chance of having a physical or psychiatric co-morbidity. Understanding the risk posed by an earlier onset of opioid use for the later development of comorbid disorders informs clinical practice about important prognostic predictors and aids in the identification of high-risk patients.

(Prevention/delay/deny uptake still best practice)

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