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Home » Synthetic Cannabis Ban

Synthetic Cannabis Ban

Synthetic Cannabis Ban

Western Australia is the first state in Australia to ban fake cannabis.

Those that supply synthetic cannabis in Western Australia will face up to 25 years jail or fines of up to $100,000.

Tasmania is to ban the fake cannabis at the end of June 2011.

Victoria is preparing legislation to implement a similar ban on synthetic cannabis.

The fake cannabis has names of Kronic, Voodoo, Purple Haze, Kaos and Mango Kush.

The synthetic cannabis is made from legal herbs that have been sprayed by a synthetic chemical that mimics THC.

These synthetic cannabis products invoke panic attacks and alter brain function which can contribute to accidents.

It’s a multimillion dollar industry.

(Source: Sydney Morning Herald 15/6/11, Melbourne Age 17/6/11, Melbourne Herald Sun 15/6/11)


This ban should be implemented by all state and territory governments.

As well, the implements used to smoke the synthetic cannabis should also be banned.

On the grounds of community safety and safer roads alone any ban is supportable.

However, as has been disclosed, the human brain function changes bringing on panic attacks and the long term mental health implications for users are yet to be fully understood.