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Home » Record Heroin Imports

Record Heroin Imports

Record Heroin Imports

The number of heroin border detections is among the highest on record.

Most of the heroin detected at Australian borders is sourced from south west Asia and in particular Afghanistan.

Opium production in south east Asia has decreased considerably to be replaced by this new source.

The weight of heroin detections increased by 32 per cent.

A number of the large heroin detections were transported via India to Australia.

(Source: Australian Crime Commission Illicit Drug Data report 2007/8, released in 2009)


This change of sourcing of heroin imports into Australia is very worrying because of the Afghanistan glut of opium production.

It indicated that the high demand for heroin in Australia is targeting our country as a favorable demand destination.

High demand for heroin can only be reduced by reducing the number of heroin users by getting them free of heroin use.

Detoxification and rehabilitation to get drug users free of heroin use is good public policy to forestall the costs of harm to the addicts, the community and the taxpayer.

Court ordered and supervised compulsory detoxification and rehabilitation may be necessary to complete the recovery in heroin users.