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Organised Crime And Drugs

Organised Crime And Drugs

The Australian Crime Commission report “Organised Crime in Australia” 2011 clearly links organized crime and illicit drugs.

In its latest report the Crime Commission clearly links the same organized criminals with both trafficking performance enhancing drugs in sport and also illicit drugs.

The Commission believes that the use of illicit drugs by professional athletes is likely to be understated.

The Commission believes that illicit drug use leaves athletes particularly vulnerable to exploitation for other crimes including match fixing, fraud and insider information for betting.

The Commission has evidence that some athletes are supplying others with illicit drugs.

(Source: Organised Crime and Drugs in Sport, Australian Crime Commission, released February 2013)


These Australian Crime Commission reports on the link between organized crime and drugs are not new.

The Crime Commission has stated that organized crime poses a threat to Australia’s national security.

Illicit drugs have an estimated social cost of over $8000 million every year in Australia according to the Commission.

Plus the health risks to illicit drug users even professional athletes is beyond these costs.

That is why Australia must not treat illicit drug use as a health issue but support programs that eliminate use and get users free of drugs quickly.