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New Research on Devastating Impact of Cannabis….

New Research on Devastating Impact of Cannabis, Confirms Existing Data

Cell-specific STORM super-resolution imaging reveals nanoscale organization of cannabinoid signalling

Authors: Barna Dudok, László Barna, Marco Ledri, Szilárd I Szabó, Eszter Szabadits, Balázs Pintér,Stephen G Woodhams, Christopher M Henstridge, Gyula Y Balla, Rita Nyilas, Csaba Varga,Sang-Hun Lee, Máté Matolcsi, Judit Cervenak, Imre Kacskovics, Masahiko Watanabe,Claudia Sagheddu, Miriam Melis, Marco Pistis, Ivan Soltesz István Katona


A major challenge in neuroscience is to determine the nanoscale position and quantity of signalling molecules in a cell type – and subcellular compartment–specific manner. We developed a new approach to this problem by combining cell-specific physiological and anatomical characterization with super-resolution imaging and studied the molecular and structural parameters shaping the physiological properties of synaptic endocannabinoid signalling in the mouse hippocampus. We found that axon terminals of perisomatically projecting GABAergic interneurons possessed increased CB1 receptor number, active-zone complexity and receptor/effector ratio compared with dendritically projecting interneurons, consistent with higher efficiency of cannabinoid signalling at somatic versus dendritic synapses. Furthermore, chronic tetrahydrocannabinol administration, which reduces cannabinoid efficacy on GABA release, evoked marked CB1 downregulation in a dose-dependent manner. Full receptor recovery required several weeks after the cessation of etrahydrocannabinol treatment. These findings indicate that cell type – specific nanoscale analysis of endogenous protein distribution is possible in brain circuits and identify previously unknown molecular properties controlling endocannabinoid signaling and cannabis-induced cognitive dysfunction.


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“According to the latest results of Mr. Katona’s team, recreational cannabis gravely interferes with the two-way communication between neurons. The discovery, revealing the gravity of the effect cannabis use has on a molecular level, shocked both the researchers and their colleagues, Mr. Katona said, adding that decision-makers must seriously consider the permitted THC content of cannabis products during increasingly widespread legalisation of the drug.”


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