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Home » DACA Applauds Minister Nash’s call for a Global Fight Against ICE

DACA Applauds Minister Nash’s call for a Global Fight Against ICE


“Australia’s resolution on ice gathers support at UN drugs conference”. Senator the Hon Fiona Nash Assistant Minister for Health Senator for New South Wales, Deputy Leader of the Nationals in the Senate



Minister Nash is the first Australian MP since 2009 to attend the UN Conference on Narcotics in Vienna with the specific aim of gathering support for the fight against the drug ICE.

Australia’s resolution to the 58th UN Conference on Narcotics – global cooperation on fighting the drug ice – is gathering support.

Assistant Minister for Health’s resolution calls for UN member states to cooperate and share research, data, experiences and treatments relating to the international fight against ice.

DACA has very real concerns about the spread of this drug across Australia and particularly into regional communities as ICE use results in unprotected and risky sexual conduct. threatening a serious outbreak of HIV and other SDIs

Just as alcohol results in 70% increased risk of HIV infection so the use of ICE increases this risk. With ICE, the increased risk is not about sharing needles, as most ICE is smoked. HIV and STD transmission is caused by risky sexual behaviour: it is about multiple sex partners and unprotected as ICE is known to for its hyper-enhancement of sex drive, energy and stamina, whilst effecting judgement. People on ICE engage in behaviour that would normally be unacceptable, both in terms of their own standards of behaviour and the risks they are prepared to take. To contain this epidemic, the full effects are yet to be realised, we need to act now to deter those who sell it, educate young people about the danger of the this highly addictive substance, intervene very early as ICE addicts on average seek treatment some 5 years after the first signs of trouble.

DACA recommends severe penalties for manufacture and selling of the drug; early and mandated treatment, as well as robust and uncompromising demand reduction messages emphasising the danger this drug poses.