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Cannabis Use high

Cannabis Use high

A survey of Australians has found a high use of cannabis.

The survey found that 1 in 8 males and 1 in 15 females in Australia had used cannabis in the previous year prior to the survey.

Northern Territory had the highest cannabis consumption rate for males in the 14 to 24 year age group.

Australian Capital Territory had the lowest cannabis consumption rate for males in the age group over 40 years.

For females the highest cannabis consumption rate was for Western Australia in the age group 14 to 24 years.

The lowest cannabis consumption rate was in the ACT for females over 40 years of age.

(Source: – 2007 National Drug Strategy Household Survey August 2008)


This survey confirms that the age group most at risk from cannabis harm is children and young adults in the 14 to 24 year age group.

Males use cannabis twice as much as females so they are more likely to be harmed and in need of medical and mental health services.

Cannabis use is proven to cause psychosis, paranoia, depression, aggression, schizophrenia and depress the immune system so that users become sicker.

Cannabis is a major cause of motor vehicle and other accidents as it impedes coordination.

World’s best practice has proven court ordered and supervised detoxification and rehabilitation programs to divert cannabis users away from drug use is essential.