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Home » Cannabis Report

Cannabis Report

Cannabis Report

The latest annual report from the International Narcotics Control Board claims that during 2007/8 an amount of 5400 Kgs of Cannabis was seized in Australia.

Widespread use of cannabis in Australia underpins demand here.

Most of the cannabis seized in Australia had been grown in Australia.

Of the imported cannabis seized in Australia the Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Thailand and the USA were the places of embarkation.

Organized crime syndicates are the beneficiaries of the high cannabis demand in Australia and the Board is concerned about a cannabis industry being established to satisfy Australian demand.

The Board has urged countries like Australia to adhere to its international treaty obligations and reduce demand for illicit drugs.

(Source: 2009 Annual Report, International Narcotics Control Board released 24 February 2010).


This high demand for cannabis is being driven by Australia’s appetite for all illicit drugs.

Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug in Australia.

With scientific research now confirming that cannabis causes cancer, mental illness, brain damage, cardiovascular and respiratory disease there is an incentive for authorities to reduce demand.

This demand reduction should be early intervention to eliminate the health damage of users.

Now is an excellent time to introduce an intensive drug demand reduction campaign with a diversion of identified cannabis users into rehabilitation to get them free of use.