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Home » Cannabis not safe for nausea

Cannabis not safe for nausea

Cannabis not safe for nausea

A study reviewed in the British Medical Journal does not support ingested cannabis use for nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.

The study concluded that the potentially serious adverse effects, even when taken short term orally or intramuscularly, are likely to limit the widespread use of cannabinoids.

The study concluded that the number of patients withdrawing from the studies due to intolerable side effects is the most reliable parameter of the severity of cannabinoid related toxicity.

The physical and neuropsychiatric adverse effects of long term use of cannabis are well established.

Adverse side effects of cannabis identified by the study were paranoia, hallucinations, dysphoria, depression, dizziness, drowsiness and sedation.

The study admitted that it underestimated the harm of cannabinoids.

The study shows that cannabinoids are toxic for many patients even when taken orally and acutely.

(Source: British Medical Journal 7 July 2001 Vol 323)


The cancer causing effects of cannabis make it totally unsuitable for use by patients with cancer. This was not investigated by the study.

This study did not investigate the effect on cancer patients of the supression of the immune system caused by cannabis.

Claims that ingested or inhaled cannabis is safe are unproven.