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Home » Cannabis Crackdown Urged

Cannabis Crackdown Urged

Cannabis Crackdown Urged

The United Nations body that monitors the trafficking of international illicit drugs has told the USA to crackdown on cannabis use.

The International Narcotics Control Board states that letting people smoke cannabis for recreational purposes violates the U.N. single convention on narcotic drugs of 1961.

Countries that have signed the convention have a legal obligation to ensure the treaties are upheld across the country.

(Source: Reuters 14 March 2013)


These legal obligations bind all federal, state and territory governments in Australia to also crack down on cannabis use.

All Australian governments are bound to reduce the use of cannabis for any purposes particularly where proposals are being promoted like in Australia that cannabis is a medicine.

Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in Australia.

The myth that cannabis is less harmful than other drugs has now been debunked by medical research that proves that brain damage, mental illness and psychosis are caused by cannabis.

Why would you allow cannabis that causes cancer to be given to a person with cancer?

Why would you allow cannabis that suppresses the human immune system to be given to sick Australians?

World’s best practice uses the courts to divert cannabis users into drug rehabilitation before any cannabis addiction, mental and physical health is impacted.