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Home » About DACA

About DACA


– The focus of this restrictive policy is:

Prevention of new illicit drug users

Detoxification and rehabilitation of existing illicit drug users

Law enforcement to prevent and treat illicit drug use

OBJECTIVES – To raise awareness of the dangers of illicit drug use and the abuse of legal drugs by:

Monitoring national and international research,

Supporting additional Australian research,

Development of information and education programmes

Encouraging initiatives to prevent illicit drug use,

Supporting rehabilitation of illicit drug dependency


A drug free Australia

The elimination of the harm from illicit drug use

The illegality of illicit drugs

The scientific evidence that marijuana is a harmful and dangerous drug and must remain illicit

The suppression of the supply of illicit drugs

A national campaign to say no to illicit drugs

Diversion of illicit drug users into detoxification and rehabilitation by court order and supervision



Our members meet regularly to review scientific research, media activity, legislation, political activity, information, public opinion, local and overseas policies and member activities on illicit drugs.

We publish and distribute our members research on illicit drug use. Our members deliver lectures, training, workshops and information. We provide a network for workers assisting illicit drug users